Beloved Ones,
I come on the wings of love to speak with you all about the need to hold your Light steady as the days go forth. There is much cleansing and purging that is occurring. Most of you see this within your own family, you see the dynamics at work. I wish to speak to you about the discernment that occurs within each of you when you see old patterns that held you in the throes of manipulation through fear. When you declare your sovereignty, when you declare that you are no longer a slave to the past, what occurs with those members of your family and the world at large, is that when you make this declaration, they will start to increase their efforts to bring you back into the fold, and I say to you, Beloved Ones, hold your Light, hold your ground, stay calm, stay centered, release the need to ‘fix’ things for these individuals, for it is not your responsibility.
Everyone who is upon the Earth at this time, regardless of their personal situation and the life that they have chosen for themselves, has to take control of their own lives and find that strength within themselves where they once used to steal that energy from you. Now they will have to muster up that energy for themselves. It will create a certain pressure to you Ones, but when it is clearly seen that you no longer respond to such actions, these actions will stop, and the individuals who are trying to bring you back into the old ways of doing things will begin to seek within themselves for the answers as to why you are not responding, and it is in this way that growth within them will occur. So allow them this opportunity, Dear Ones. Do not rush in to ‘fix’ things for them as you did in the past, for the past is gone…there is only this moment.
Each individual can and does, have the strength and the power within themselves to find their own answers. Now, One can do this firmly, speaking with clarity and truth but with gentleness and Love, and as these individuals go through their growing process, they will begin to understand and ‘see the Light’, so to speak. There will come a point of harmony and Unity with all those around you, with your family members, with your work family, with your community and the larger community of the World. More and more responsibility for self will begin to be noticeable and people will begin to quietly and with clarity, start to take responsibility for themselves, for their thoughts, for their words, for their actions, for their deeds, knowing that they are the Creators of their World and that thoughts are things and if you think them often enough, you will create what you have been thinking about and manifest it in your World.
Then will come the realization of how powerful each individual truly is and then there will be great progress made upon the Earth, for in realizing their own self responsibility and the power of the Creator that lies within them, will come the realization that they can create the World of their choosing and all that they must do is choose the World that they wish to experience, and this will happen, so do not lose heart, Dear Ones, there is great hope, and this entire process is being helped at this time by the Cosmic Energies that are flowing in ever greater intensity upon planet Earth at this time. You are all being inundated by the great cosmic light and the great cosmic love energies. Love will overcome all obstacles, Dear Ones.
Be true to yourselves, stand quietly in your Light and be firm with those who are used to siphoning your energies instead of going within and drawing on their own reserves. They will awaken, they will muster the strength within themselves once they understand clearly that it is they who create their reality from moment to moment. We, the Archangelic realm and the Angelic realms are working non-stop in bringing assistance and healing and cleansing, clearing and purging to each of you. It is our greatest desire to assist humanity into the light of higher consciousness. It is our greatest desire to serve our Creator in this way. Call upon we of the higher Angelic realms and the Archangelic realms and we’ll be at your side in an instant.
I AM Archangel Raphael.

©Marlene Swetlishoff.
All rights reserved to the author/scribe and
The above image of Archangel Raphael was commissioned by ©Marlene Swetlishoff through ©JanineRoseKeall. All rights reserved.
Published December 31, 2023 on Copyright written by ©Marlene Swetlishoff. All rights reserved to the Messenger, Author, and originator of this content. This content is for your personal use only! Permission is not given for redistribution of this content in any way, shape, or form!