Beloved Ones,
I come on the wings of love! There is much information that is being presented to humanity at this time and it is difficult for each individual to stay focused on their own truth and sense of the rightness of things. For those of you who have eyes to see and ears to hear, you discern that disclosure is happening each and every day, that it is not a one time big event that many of the awakening ones are waiting for instead of standing firm in maintaining their higher frequency and Light each and every day. It is difficult to avoid the stories that distract you at every turn. One has to learn which of these stories and people deserve your precious time and attention and to realize that many of them have their own self promoting agenda in order to gain more viewers and followers.
They do this by using the work and creativity of others rather than using their own gifts and abilities and so, by avoiding introspection within self in regard to this illegal and dishonest practice, they hold back the advancement of their own evolution at a time when it is crucial to maintain one’s sense of integrity, uniqueness and sovereignty. There are very subtle feelings that they miss, override or dismiss which can put them in the center of their core essence of Being to stay on the higher consciousness path they have previously chosen. This practice requires constant vigilance and observation of one’s thoughts, attitudes and emotions that acknowledge and release all that does not resonate with the higher path they are on. It is not an easy task when duality concepts are front and center.
Those who have remained dedicated to raising and maintaining their higher frequency are finding it a strange new place to be. They are finding like minded people to build a community with. There are many individuals who just understand that there is a separation occurring and it is a separation on levels of consciousness and beliefs rather than through physical connection with others. It is challenging for these ones to remember that love is the reason they have come to Earth during these times. It is holding a space of love no matter what is happening in the external world around them. These ones are learning about tolerance and respect for all who are walking their soul path to the tune of their own higher inner guidance. One must have faith and trust that all is well in the ultimate highest outcome.
We encourage you to allow your own divinity to shine through! Believe that you are making a benevolent difference just by being here on Earth during this time of great change and transformation – you are!. Each of you is performing different missions – some play the role of spiritual warriors – speaking up on behalf of the human race when it is important to do so. This requires bravery and courage on their part. There are some who bring through messages from higher dimensional Beings that give timely advice that proves to be helpful for many others. There are the Seers who can bring forward a higher view of events taking place in the current times, and Prophets who can see or feel into the future and relay this information to others.
There are many people with intuitive psychic abilities who work with pendulums or tarot cards as well. Some are gifted artists and their work contains higher frequencies that can uplift the energy and consciousness of others just by viewing them. All are doing their very best to inform, heal, and help their sisters and brothers. You are one of these – a small portion of people living on Earth who are here to help humanity evolve to their highest potential. You are a transmitter of the higher energies and wisdom of the cosmos. You came to be in service to the human race, to help them realize their own divinity, to help them release the shackles of the tiny box that they have been conditioned over centuries to believe their world is, to expand their thinking and ignite their own Light. These ones will seek you out, to engage your talents and abilities to help each individual connect to a vastly expanded version of themselves.
I AM Kwan Yin.
©Marlene Swetlishoff.

The above image of Kwan Yin was commissioned by ©Marlene Swetlishoff through ©JanineRoseKeall. All rights reserved.
Published March 14, 2024 on Copyright written by ©Marlene Swetlishoff. All rights reserved to the Messenger, Author, and originator of this content. This content is for your personal use only! Permission is not given for redistribution of this content in any way, shape, or form!