Lady Miriam – October 2024

The Rainbow Scribe - D7 Miriam jpg

Beloved Ones, 

I come on the wings of love! Let us speak of the current times you are living through. They are difficult and challenging to navigate through as you must sift through the dross to find the truth of how things really stand in each moment. It is excellent training for becoming masters of clarity and discernment, is it not? These times are golden opportunities to leap ahead in your soul’s evolutionary path as you hone your gifts and abilities in intuiting and seeing through the layers of information that crosses your path each day. It requires you to be constantly awake, alert and aware of the forces at work in all areas of your lives. There is nothing that can be taken for granted as being the same as they were previously. You are discovering that what you assumed to be true is not as it appears to be, that people you trusted (including family, group and community members) are not who you thought they were. This area of life contains many unexpected surprises, many of which can be unpleasant to process and assimilate, and many that will make you feel expanded, joyous and happy as well.

Having to experience ‘life on the edge’, so to speak, brings out the very best in people and you will recognize when this is occurring. Many people will surprise you by showing compassion and support in the times ahead. You who have been working with us on the Ascended realms will have cause to rejoice and celebrate the manifestation of many good things coming into your lives. There is always a silver lining beyond the clouds that appear to have taken over the sunlit skies. Keep your high integrity strong and your faith in better days to come a part of your daily life experience. Believe in yourself and your ability to stand true to the higher principles and visions that are an innate part of you. Not one of you walks alone – of this we assure you! Each of you is surrounded by beings of Light who guide you through every step you take. Stay always true to yourself in every situation that comes before you. When times seem dark, know that you are surrounded by wings of love and protection until the darkness recedes. Stay brave and courageous, wise and observant.

Give the gift of love not only to others but to yourself. Do what you love to do, whatever brings you joy and happiness! Become your own authority to move up to spiritual enlightenment. Balance your activities in your daily life, make time to nurture yourself, take time to commune and experience nature around you. Watch movies or shows that make you laugh. You may find that you need to take more rest and time away from the computer. Honor your physical body and stay grounded in the present moment. There are huge transformations happening within you and the collective field of humanity. You are engaged in the act of balancing the inner realm and outer realms of your energy fields. Intuitively, you know the solution to situations that are coming up for you at this time. You are opening the door to other endless possibilities, be open to work with the new energies coming into your field of consciousness. You are being given so many options that it can make you feel overwhelmed and hypersensitive – a lot of choices – for love, for self love, for creativity, openness and a flow of universal life force to a totally new perspective. There can be a feeling of renewal within you giving you a second wind, so to speak, preparing you for new commitments and creating a fresh start and new beginning. 

Keep foremost in your awareness that the new energies coming in are stronger and magnified than they were before as you move into higher dimensions. Observe the energies at play in your interactions with others. If others around you react with intense emotions such as anger, for instance, it would be wise to leave the situation and wait a while instead of engaging with that energy. Stay calm and cool headed – this will help keep the intense energies stable and balanced. You have an increased ability of sensing where people are at in their mind and emotions, and it is O.K. to go slow in those situations. Use the spiritual tools you have gathered throughout the years and practice self-mastery as you observe the happenings around you. Follow the wisdom of your heart and practice compassion and respect with the people in your sphere of influence. Some doors may close but others will open. Explore new creative ideas and directions and honor your own value in the gifts that you bring to this world. Be bold and seize each day and make it your own!

 I AM Miriam.

Lady Miriam is the Beloved Divine Feminine counterpart (Twin Flame) to Ascended Master El Morya.

©Marlene Swetlishoff.

The Rainbow Scribe - MARLENE Gif

Permission given to post the above image of Ascended Master Miriam by the artist © Bryan deFlores. All rights reserved. This image is available as a digital download by clicking here. Image #D7

Permission given to post the above image by the artist © Bryan deFlores. All rights reserved.

Published September 30, 2024 on Copyright. All rights reserved by ©Marlene Swetlishoff, the author, messenger, and originator of this content. No permission is granted for the reproduction, translation, distribution, adaptation, or use of this content, in any form, whether commercial or non-commercial. For more information, please refer to the copyright disclaimer at this link.

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