Archangel Michael – April 2024

Archangel Micheal by Janine Rose Keall

Beloved Ones,

I come on the wings of love to bring a message of hope and peace. We of the higher dimensions ask that you of the Light upon the Earth unite to focus and anchor your energies to bring greater Light and love to this ascending planet Earth and all her inhabitants. This is a crucial time in the unfoldment of the Divine Plan for this planet Earth. Those who are aware of the Divine Plan know the truth of these words. We are coming into wondrous times never before experienced by this planet and her inhabitants. The Earth is now ready to ascend.

Beloved Ones, you are each Warriors of Light. What is asked of you at this time, is to hold your focus of Light and love. Hold this for the rest of humanity, your brothers and sisters for whom you stand. The Great Work has now begun in earnest. Do not falter in your faith in the Creator of us all. Do not at this crucial time become complacent that your efforts are no longer needed – hold the line!

We of the higher dimensions are here to assist and guide those who ask us. It is resting upon the free will choice of each man, woman and child, who chose to be here at this time and who freely chose to come to the Earth, drinking from the cup of amnesia. You asked us at that time to guide, protect and overlight you until you attained remembrance once again.

This is the time you chose to awaken to the knowledge of the Masters that you are. You will begin to awaken one by one, and as each of you does so, more Light is generated and this will assist more and more of your brothers and sisters to awaken as well, until all of humanity begins to walk in their Light. When that occurs, you will all be living in the fifth dimension and peace, harmony, joy, abundance, love and goodwill will be the normal way of being. Love, honor, respect and appreciation for each soul will reign throughout this planet.

We of the higher dimensions can only give guidance and hints as to the way that you should go. Ultimately, it is your choice. What you choose to do at this time is what you shall experience. You must all ‘walk the talk’ as they say. No one else can do that for you. This next phase requires ‘all hands on deck’ staying true to their Light and BEING it each and every day! Daily persistence and focus on your goal to achieve a higher illuminated way of being on this planet Earth is key in this endeavor.

In closing, I would like to state that from our perspective, the Light far outweighs any remaining darkness. It only remains to be played out so do not stop until all aspects of life on your planet Earth feels good. I salute all you Light warriors and do humbly bow before you. Know that all you must do is ASK and I AM with you.

I AM Archangel Michael.

The Rainbow Scribe - MARLENE Gif

©Marlene Swetlishoff.

Published April 15, 2024 on Copyright written by ©Marlene Swetlishoff. All rights reserved to the Messenger, Author, and originator of this content. This content is for your personal use only! Permission is not given for redistribution of this content in any way, shape, or form!

The above image of Archangel Michael was commissioned by ©Marlene Swetlishoff through Janine Rose Keall.
All rights reserved.

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