Copyright in Literary Works: Spirituality and Copyright Violations

Integrity in Spirituality: The Impact of Copyright Violations on Authors and Their Works

Copyright is essential for protecting the rights of authors and creators of literary works. It grants them exclusive rights to their original content, ensuring they receive recognition and compensation for their hard work. However, within some spiritual communities, copyright violations are alarmingly common. Many individuals and websites disguise themselves as spiritual advocates while repeatedly infringing on the intellectual property of others, including the works of Marlene Swetlishoff, the author of this website.

Copyright serves as a legal safeguard for various literary works, including books, articles, and poetry. It allows authors to control the use and distribution of their creations. When copyright is violated, it disrespects the original creator’s efforts and undermines the integrity of the literary community.

In recent years, numerous spiritual websites have engaged in copyright infringement. These platforms claim to promote spiritual growth and enlightenment but fail to respect the intellectual property rights of authors. Instead of creating original content, they often copy, modify, or share works without obtaining proper permission or providing attribution.

Steven North has acted as a guardian for the literary works of Marlene Swetlishoff, dealing with hundreds of copyright violations involving her content. Despite implementing copyright disclaimers and using code to block copying and pasting on his website, violations persist. This ongoing issue reflects a broader problem in the spiritual community regarding the disregard for intellectual property rights. North has shared his experiences in articles such as “Copyright & Spiritual Opinions” and “Unveiling Selfishness, Disrespect, and Copyright Violations in the Spiritual Community,” discussing the challenges he has faced and the broader implications within the spiritual industry.

There are several reasons behind these violations. Some individuals misinterpret spiritual principles, believing that spiritual teachings should be freely shared. While the intention may be good, it does not excuse violating copyright laws. Others may lack awareness of copyright laws or the consequences of using someone else’s work without permission. In a competitive online environment, some individuals may also resort to using existing literary works to gain popularity, disregarding the rights of original creators.

Several platforms have committed multiple acts of copyright infringement while claiming to promote spirituality. For example, one website is known for republishing articles from established authors without appropriate credit, presenting the content as its own. Another platform often shares quotes and excerpts from books without permission from the authors, undermining their rights. A third site has been criticized for reproducing entire works by authors without their consent, violating copyright protections.

If you encounter websites or platforms engaging in copyright infringements, consider reporting them to protect authors’ rights. Support original content creators by sharing their work with proper attribution or purchasing their materials. This can foster a culture of respect and integrity within both literary and spiritual communities.

Websites Engaging in Copyright Violations

It is crucial to highlight specific platforms that have committed multiple acts of copyright infringement while claiming to promote spirituality. Here are some examples of sites that have been reported for copyright after the new website created and an Authorised Copyright Agent was appointed.

  • Nick Chan Nick Chan has been responsible for unauthorised translations and distribution of literary works by Marlene Swetlishoff bypassing copyright protections and statements.
  • Alicia Virelli Alicia Vierelli has been consistently distributing unauthorised translations and publications of literary works by Marlene Swetlishoff bypassing copyright protections and ignoring her rights as an author.
  • Conscience Divine has recently begun distributing unauthorised translations and publications of literary works by Marlene Swetlishoff bypassing copyright protections and ignoring her rights as an author. The commercial intent behind soliciting donations suggests that the website owner is profiting from the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted works.

The websites mentioned above have engaged in the unauthorised distribution, translation, and publication of protected materials. We found videos on YouTube that were being monetised, meaning they were used commercially to generate income. 

In these cases, the literary works have been:

  • Copied: Substantial portions or the entirety of her works have been duplicated without permission.
  • Translated: Her works have been translated into other languages without authorisation, infringing on her exclusive right to create derivative works.
  • Distributed: The infringing content has been made publicly accessible and widely shared online without the copyright owner’s consent.

These actions represent a significant violation of the copyright owner’s exclusive rights.

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