Peridot Crystal Speaks
We, the peridot crystalline consciousness are the crystal to turn to when one has a desire to bring release and completion to old mental and emotional patterns that do not serve one’s higher destiny.
We, the peridot crystalline consciousness are the crystal to turn to when one has a desire to bring release and completion to old mental and emotional patterns that do not serve one’s higher destiny.
We come in joy! Every contingency has been taken care of, as this planet as a whole, now ascends into a higher dimensional frequency.
Greetings! We are the apatite crystal consciousness coming forward to bring to you a message of love, peace and goodwill. We are a stone that resonates with the high heart, the thymus gland area in the human operating system. We help to bring a clearing to the higher heart chakra and to open up the higher avenues of spiritual communication.
We, the amethyst crystal consciousness come forward at this time to pledge our support to all humanity, to help them in many ways. One of the ways that we can be of assistance is in healing the physical body, the emotional body and the mental body to bring balance, equilibrium and peace into the human body system.