Archangel Raphael – February 2025

Archangel Raphael | The Rainbow Scribe

Beloved Ones,

I come on the wings of love to speak to you about these most auspicious times that are upon you. Truly this is one of the greatest opportunities for integrating the highest Light within yourselves and within your beloved planet! By visualizing yourselves as surrounded by the Golden Christ Light, you are anchoring and establishing your Lightbody around your human operating system and allowing the connection to your Divine Self to manifest in and through you. As more of you integrate this, the greater the blessings that befall all on Earth. This is what you came to the Earth to do.

Dare to dream huge dreams, dare to see yourselves as unlimited, with untold potentials and possibilities. This is your time to manifest all the Light and greatness that you truly are. Be not afraid to walk in the brilliant radiance of your Light within, it matters not if others around you cannot see this Light, it only matters that you do this, for in doing this the entire planet Earth and all her inhabitants are blessed, healed and uplifted.

This is the objective at this time, to uplift all Souls upon the Earth to such a high state that this will permanently become established on the Earth grids and this will then become exponentially greater and greater in scope. You are truly playing the great magicians at this time where all is possible, where you can create the highest and best outcome for all concerned. Be bold in your imaginations, take journeys into the invisible realms, the inner consciousness, dare to take flight!

Keep your connection established and grounded into Mother Earth at all times. You are always supported and nurtured by her in this way. She is a highly sentient and conscious Being who has endured so many things out of love for all her inhabitants. Consciously establishing a connection with Mother Earth each day will be of great benefit to you, for this is how you will know the truth of what is occurring around you.

We say to you that the secret is to have this connection to the Earth. Together, you will walk in greatness and majesty. This is the destiny of the Earth and all humanity. It requires your remembrance to connect each day but it is definitely well worth your efforts in the big picture of Life. Daily do those actions and think those thoughts that keep you in a high state of joy and happiness. 

As the coming days are experienced by you, take time to feel gratitude to the Earth and the Source of All Life and this will bring to you the blessings of the Universe. The Earth and the cycles of the Earth will support you and nurture you. Take time from your busy schedules to love and honor yourselves for the truly great work you are doing here upon your planet. Indulge in those things that give you the greatest joy and peace. Be a true joy bringer, feel it within yourselves and radiate it to others. Your sphere of influence extends much farther than you currently are aware of and your presence makes a huge difference to all.

This is also an excellent time to call upon the Archangels and all the Angelic realms to aid you and give you assistance in your daily lives. We are willing and eager to come to your side. There are legions of us around you and you are protected by us. Feel the love we radiate to you and take a few moments each day to remember that we are with you and that we love you unconditionally.

I AM Archangel Raphael.

The Rainbow Scribe - Marlene name 2025

©Marlene Swetlishoff.

The above image was commissioned by ©Marlene Swetlishoff through © Janine Rose Keall. All rights reserved.

Published January 31, 2025 on Copyright. All rights reserved by ©Marlene Swetlishoff, the author, messenger, and originator of this content. No permission is granted for the reproduction, translation, distribution, adaptation, or use of this content, in any form, whether commercial or non-commercial. For more information, please refer to the copyright disclaimer at this link.

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