Guardian Angel Message – October 2024


Beloved Ones,

We come on the wings of love! We, your Guardian Angels, are here now to make known our true function and duties as your personal Guardian Guide. Each incarnated soul is assigned a Guardian Angel to provide spiritual guidance, protection, companionship and assistance throughout their entire sojourn on this Earth planet. At the root of this, our primary objective is to guide each of you to stay on your evolutionary soul path that you as soul, have chosen to experience in each lifetime. Your Guardian Angel can help you navigate through spiritual difficulties and struggles to fulfilling your life’s purpose and calling. Guardian Angels are around you to protect and support you. We watch over you throughout your life, guarding you against danger and evil. Your Guardian Angel is a reminder of Divine love for you, and a testament that the love is unconditional and perfect, and that it transcends limitations of time and space.

Your Guardian Angel never leaves you. We are assigned to you for life, and not just one life. Our souls are bound and interlinked for all eternity. You have your Guardian Angel now in this life and in all previous and all future incarnations. We stay with you in spirit when you leave this physical world. Angels are spiritual beings and do not have bodies. We can sometimes take the appearance of a body and can even influence the material world, but by our nature, we are pure spirit. While we cannot intervene unless asked (except in emergencies), we are available to guide and assist you in your daily life. A person asking for help may feel a gentle breeze flowing across the room, sometimes an angel might touch your hand, or you might feel a sensation of pins and needles out of the blue. These little signs are your Guardian Angel’s way of telling you that we are there and that we can hear you.

The primary way we communicate with you is to offer you our thoughts, images or feelings that you can either accept or reject. It may not be clearly evident that it is your Guardian Angel communicating to you, but you may intuitively realize that the idea or thought did not come from your own mind. Your Guardian Angel’s purpose is to be there when you face critical junctures in your life. We guide you through your challenges and help you to navigate a smoother path. We do not take on all your burdens and problems and make them disappear. We guide you toward a certain direction, but ultimately you must choose for yourself which direction to take. We are also here to help you bring goodness, peace, harmony, compassion and hope into your life and the lives of others in your sphere of influence. We are pure love, and we remind you that there exists love in everyone.  As divine helpers, we act by delivering messages or helping you when in need.

We work exclusively for you and our entire existence is dedicated to helping you navigate and make the most of this earthly journey. When we take charge of a soul, we devote all our glorious intelligence and knowledge, all of our power and vigilance to protect, defend and help in every possible way the person whom God has given into our charge. We take a sacred oath to stay with you and advocate for you throughout your life. Therefore, we Guardian Angels know every detail about your life, your dreams and goals, and your fears and heartaches. Guardian Angels are also privileged to Spirit’s plan for your life, including any obstacles or opportunities on the horizon. Call upon your Guardian Angel with your most intimate prayers and the wishes closest to your heart. No one knows you better than your Guardian Angel! You can talk with your Guardian Angel as you would talk to your best friend about anything and everything, silently or out loud.

Guardian Angels are first and foremost doing God’s will. Your Guardian Angel is in constant communication with God and intercedes for you on your behalf to the Heavenly Council. Our mission is to do whatever we can to protect your soul, to help you avoid the traps of corruption and spiritual dangers and to help you gain entrance to Heaven. Many of you have forgotten that you have access to this great gift. Or you never knew in the first place that you have untapped assistance close to you. Guardian Angels are ever-present gifts from God sent to assist you in any and every way. We are overflowing with unconditional love for you. Guardian Angels are here for the sole purpose of assisting you, but we will never interfere with your free will. We act on your behalf only when we are called upon. When you want our assistance, you need to actually ask us. It takes only a moment of quiet focus, but connecting with us is as easy as talking to a dear friend.  And life changes completely when you make friends with your Guardian Angel. You don’t have to endure the difficulties of these days alone. You only need to call on your loving friend in high places:

Angel of God,
My Guardian dear,
To whom God’s love commits me here,
Ever this day, be at my side,
To light and guard, counsel and guide.

©Marlene Swetlishoff.

The Rainbow Scribe - MARLENE Gif

Permission given to post the above image by the artist © Marlene Swetlishoff. All rights reserved.

Published September 30, 2024 on Copyright. All rights reserved by ©Marlene Swetlishoff, the author, messenger, and originator of this content. No permission is granted for the reproduction, translation, distribution, adaptation, or use of this content, in any form, whether commercial or non-commercial. For more information, please refer to the copyright disclaimer at this link.

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