Divine Feminine – September 2023

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We come on the wings of love! These times call each individual soul to step up to the plate, as it were, to open to receive the higher cosmic energies that are now pouring onto the atmosphere of the planet. As you open to receive the activating energies, you begin the next step on your ascension path. As you know, this path is not for the faint of heart, it requires strength of mind, dedication, determination and personal intention to see it through in its assimilation and integration with your human operating system. For many of you, it is a difficult process as the events of the past come up for review yet another time. These deeply held emotions are some that most of you did not consciously realize you were integrating into your mind, body and spirit and so it feels discouraging and disempowering to you.

Know that at the end of this process there will be smoother sailing for each of you in your current life circumstances. You will set sail on calmer and more peaceful seas within the cosmic ocean of life as it flows in ever expanding circles of greater awareness and understanding on multi-dimensional levels of consciousness. You will remember more of who you really are and experience this within your physical consciousness. You will anchor in the higher aspects of your being and experience life on many different levels of awareness beyond the physical and material world as you live your daily life. This can be quite confusing to those who are not consciously familiar with the different aspects of one’s being that exist simultaneously on other dimensions and realms of existence on this and other worlds. As with all experiences, it will gradually become a normal activity to engage with these other aspects of your being.

Those who find their way to this message are the vanguard of the new lifewave that brings new developments and ideas which are coming into existence, therefore, there may be no precedence to finding explanation for the discoveries that come forth. You it is who is setting the pattern and anchoring it here on the Earth reality, creating positive and enlightening changes and transformations within the collective consciousness of humanity. You have the privilege and responsibility to bring forth and implement what is coming through you as guidance and directives for a new and more enlightened way of living. Those who are called to this activity are ones who know how to get the job done. That is why you were chosen for these times especially. Trust in this knowledge and hold to your faith that all is well and coming together perfectly!

The currents of energies from the discordant thoughts of others upon the planet are very strong at this time and so it requires daily reminders and a resetting of intention each and every day to walk the higher path of enlightened living. It requires distancing oneself from the chaotic energies and instead adding one’s energies to hold and anchor the higher precepts and higher vision for the world as it transforms. The world of the third dimension has been severed and so there is a lot of lashing out from those who can no longer make their ways of doing things work in their favor – but they still keep trying to do things in the same way and pattern. It is time for humanity, as a whole, to awaken and refuse within their sovereign Divine self to give their energy and power away to these ones. Let your energy count as a vote for the very highest and best outcome for this ascending world that you live upon and for all its inhabitants. What the mind can conceive, the mind can achieve…this statement is truth, please ponder on it.
Make more time each day to bring joy into your heart and soul…this activity in its greater perspective uplifts everyone and increases the frequency of the entire planet. This is how to counteract the chaotic forces that bounce around the planet – affirm a positive statement each time you are confronted with the opposite and remember to bless everyone and everything! Each one of you is a space holder, a pioneer, for a new way, a better way of life on a thriving new Earth reality. Open your hearts and minds to embrace this new way of thinking and being. You it is who has learned that as a citizen living on a free will planet such as Earth, it is up to you to take responsibility for the care and stewardship of it – beings from other planets are not allowed to come in and save you without you specifically asking for assistance from them – for they follow Universal Law and do not want to incur any karma by doing so. Know, Dear Ones, that you are more powerful than you think and that you are never alone , we walk beside you always.

The Rainbow Scribe - MARLENE Gif

Published  August 31, 2023 on www.therainbowscribe.com. Copyright written by ©Marlene Swetlishoff. All rights reserved to the Messenger, Author, and originator of this content. This content is for your personal use only! Permission is not given for redistribution of this content in any way, shape, or form!

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