Hilarion – January 2024

The Rainbow Scribe - HILARION FOR RON HEAD 2 jpg

Beloved Ones,

I come on the wings of love! From the perspective of the awakened one living your life on this ascending planet Earth, all that was hidden below the surface of your consciousness is now rising up for the awakening of the awareness within others. On any given day, the explosions of the disclosures and revelations of former happenings rise up for external and internal review by the people of this world. At the same time, there is a whole line up of fear mongering attempts to keep people in fear. Most of these media stories are lies and not worth your precious time to venture down avenues that go around and around in circles like a hamster in a hamster run. It is time for all of it to actually MOVE forward and be made manifest in your mundane everyday lives in physical reality! The time of sitting and saying ‘someone should do something about this’ – is over. If you are saying this, then it is time to take responsibility as the “authority” to do this yourself. If it is not you, who is aware, then who is left?

There are many old energies coming up within people and nations that are karmic in nature in every country throughout this world. On the higher levels, what is seen is the crumbling and decaying of the old regimes, as the systems they created fall into disrepair and decay, and this is reflected outwardly in the world as chaos and destruction, as heaps of rubble and ruin. Before a better world for everyone can manifest, all the age-old hatreds and judgements from the past must be balanced by the intent of their people as they hold love, peace, harmony and goodness within their hearts no matter what happens. This desire for peace and harmony must be the focus and intent no matter what is taking place within one’s personal world, one’s country or upon the world stage. This, Dear Ones, is why you have chosen to be in your country during these times. You have the training and the ability to maintain the higher vision each day. You serve a greater function than you are aware of at this time.

And so it is that you are asked to be of a forgiving heart, to be the calm in the storm of violent change as it sweeps across your lands and in every nation across this planet. Know that distractions continue to take center stage in all facets of human life. At the same time, there are a lot of changes that are being contemplated and implemented. New rules are being written and applied. The wheels of progress turn slowly but inexorably and will continue to make improvements in all facets of human existence. There are a lot of creative and wonderful ideas being brought forward by the progressive thinkers of these times. Every day brings new revelations that keep people engaged in the continuing dramas that are unfolding at the same time as these wonderful new beginnings unfold. The majority of humanity, in their heart of hearts, wants a world of harmonious and respectful solutions to the challenges that all of humanity is facing in their daily lives.

Humanity is being exposed to the good, the bad, and the ugly and is daily being challenged to love it all into wholeness. It behooves each soul to maintain their integrity and high standards of conduct while watching others on the world scene show the evidence of the breakdown of the accepted norms of human interactions in current society. Employing the practice of constantly blessing all people and situations that tax one’s patience is a wonderful way to work on attaining your mastery over the denser vibrations that are rampant upon worldly affairs during these transformational times. Continue to be the loving, aware and compassionate individuals who uphold the higher vision for your world. You, in unity with millions of others, CAN love the world back to wholeness. Let us do this together!

Until next month…

I AM Hilarion

The Rainbow Scribe - MARLENE Gif

The above image of Hilarion was commissioned by © Marlene Swetlishoff through © JanineRoseKeall.

All rights reserved.Published December 31, 2023 on www.therainbowscribe.com. Copyright written by ©Marlene Swetlishoff. All rights reserved to the Messenger, Author, and originator of this content. This content is for your personal use only! Permission is not given for redistribution of this content in any way, shape, or form!

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