Beloved Ones,
Upon the higher planes of existence there is much activity, much that is taking place. The world as you know it is going through purging on all levels. It entails sifting through, working through and dissipating many layers that go back through generations. To the uninformed observer, it seems the world is going mad but this is not the case, there is a higher purpose at work and this is what you, the Lightworkers must remember and keep in focus. It is a sign that the greater Light is making its presence felt upon your world. There are, however, other forces at work which try to counteract the effects of these higher frequencies and energies by creating havoc, pain, and suffering amongst the people of the world.
And so you have two distinct polarities vying for control of this world. Those of the Light, who hold the Light are very well aware that their participation is crucial and it is a participation on a non-violent basis, they understand that their participation is on an energetic level, on a level of intention so that the Light and the Divine plan can prevail. As the layers of cleansing occur, much that has been held within the DNA and the hearts of every person upon this planet is coming to the surface, is being brought up, cleansed, purged and is very uncomfortable. It is sometimes debilitating, but always, the after effect is one of greater freedom within.
Do not be afraid, Beloveds, of opening your hearts wider. This is the time, this is the moment when all that you are, must come through. There are many amongst you who are feeling tired, who are becoming jaded and cynical that there will ever be any change taking place upon your planet, and we say to them, please hold your Light, hold the vision of a world of peace. It can come in an instant if there is a unified level of maintaining this vision of a peaceful world, it will happen, it will occur. Do not lose hope, do not lose faith. The Light is here, the Light IS doing its work.
Each person upon the planet is seeking answers within their own heart, questioning, asking, desiring a better life and a better way and this will increase in its intensity and occurrence throughout all the people of the planet. This is leading to greater intensity of the emotional bodies of humanity throughout the world so it is a time that is a testing ground. It is a time that every person is being asked to make a choice – to succumb to the great distractions of destruction in the events in the world that are occurring – or to choose to stay focused and grounded into the truth of their being, the truth of their origins, the truth that they are a child of the Divine and that every person upon the planet is the same.
We, from the higher dimensions look upon you, the Beloved Lightworkers and see that you desire to manifest and experience the highest outcome but that you grow impatient, that you believe that what you have striven many decades for will never actually take place. This is the time to maintain your faith and your belief that there will be the highest outcome and positive end result of that which is foretold and ordained by the Divine. Do not cease in your efforts. We stand with you in this great work, supporting and empowering you.
Until next month…
I AM Hilarion

The above image was commissioned by ©Marlene Swetlishoff through © Janine Rose Keall. All rights reserved.
Published October 31, 2024 on Copyright. All rights reserved by ©Marlene Swetlishoff, the author, messenger, and originator of this content. No permission is granted for the reproduction, translation, distribution, adaptation, or use of this content, in any form, whether commercial or non-commercial. For more information, please refer to the copyright disclaimer at this link.