Beloved Ones,
I come on the wings of love! The intensity of the work you are doing as you go within is bringing forth many self realizations and truths about many situations in your life experience that need clarity and resolution. Some of these are difficult to address, for the experiences involve talking about multi-dimensional happenings on the spiritual level that one cannot verbalize to others with the hopes of bringing in more understanding and clarity about them. When one is grappling with seeking a resolution to the complexities of a situation that goes beyond the physical material level as it appears in the now into the multi-dimensional realms where it tends to entangle the participation of other souls as well, it becomes complicated.
It may feel as if one is taking a risk to directly address another soul in physical material existence when seeking to clarify one’s personal experience of it, for what if you are wrong about it? The ramifications that this could cause prevents one from asking the other soul involved about one’s personal experience with the other. And so there is an impasse, a stagnation that occurs because there seems to be no resolution in the quest to find clarity and answers. In this new reality that humanity is entering into one must realize and understand that it is all about self confidence and having the faith that one’s experience is valid and real for them even though there is no evidence in the physical material world that confirms that it is true.
Each day, there are more people tuning into telepathic communication with others of like-minded frequency level. Telepathy is the language medium on the higher levels. It is a communication of thoughts, ideas and feelings between one’s soul energy being to another by means other than the currently known human senses. It entails transference of thoughts through clairvoyant transmission, both sending and receiving. It is a real experience for those who have reached a certain level of soul evolvement through spiritual practices. These one’s have the ability to know what is in someone else’s mind, or how to communicate with someone mentally, without using words or other physical signals.
A telepathic connection between two souls is a deeply intimate union in which one can share thoughts, ideas, and feelings without words or vocalizations. There is the incredible feeling of being very in tune with someone which feels like a truly magical experience that one can feel even when they are physically not present. Trusting one’s intuition can inform one with everything they need to know. Telepathic abilities are something that are inside every single person on this ascending planet. Once this communication ability comes into manifestation in one’s experience, there is no doubting that all souls are completely linked together on a deep spiritual level.
I AM Miriam.
©Marlene Swetlishoff.
Permission given to post the above image of Ascended Master Miriam by the artist © Bryan deFlores. All rights reserved. This image is available as a digital download by clicking here. Image #D7
Published August 6, 2023 on Copyright written by © Marlene Swetlishoff. All rights reserved to the Messenger, Author, and originator of this content. This content is for your personal use only! Permission is not given for redistribution of this content in any way, shape, or form!