Message from The Wise Ones – September 2024


Beloved Ones, 

We come on the wings of love! The extreme weather events continue to take place in many parts of this transforming world. Your ascending planet Earth is going through planetary ascension as the convergence of many cosmic alignments continue to take place. There are many of the human race who are beginning to question, at last, the edicts of their elected officials. They are seeing there is inherent danger in allowing individuals in governmental authority, to be given absolute power in any situation.

Throughout history, it has been shown, that rarely do these individuals give up this ‘temporary’ power that was allowed to them through being elected by a majority consensus of citizens to serve the citizens, to make wise decisions solely for the highest good of all the people and their nation. What usually occurs, is the practice of tyranny and cruelty to the people of their lands as they exercise their stolen ‘authority’ by enacting more laws that take away more of humanity’s God given rights to live in freedom, joy, peace and harmony within themselves and with each other.

They enlist the obedience of their warriors to continue the acts of cruelty and harm, long past the time of ‘the temporary crisis situation’. These warriors allow this infiltration into their ranks, in exchange for monetary benefits and other privileges that gives them the ‘right’ to misuse and abuse their power over the rights of others in their community through manipulation of repetitive ‘what if’ fear scenarios of several possible situations that could exist in the future that would bring disaster to their citizens.

They cease to live by Universal Laws, that maintain Divine Order, as the Law of One in all aspects of civilization. If their community members continue to allow this illegal behavior in their elected representatives, this results in the decay, and eventual decline, of a higher consciousness society of enlightened beings. If that should take place, it will be most difficult to return the human race to their rights as free, independent and sovereign beings living on a free will planet. The human race will have to fight ‘tooth and nail’ to re-establish their inherent God given rights.  

There is the opportunity now, to rise up as global citizens, as the combined human race, and take back the power they have given away to these ‘false’ authorities, throughout their history on this planet Earth. They can, with difficulty, emerge God victorious, by standing up, when it is clear that they should stand up, and say NO, as they see what is wrong and inherently dangerous happening in their external world through the unwise and foolish actions of their public servants in governmental “authority.” They must remember that these people were elected to serve all the people of their nation. The people need to remember that they themselves, are not servants or slaves of these “authorities”. 

Slavery to the humans, has been perpetuated for countless years.  Most humans these days are not even aware that they are enslaved. That is because they have been conditioned from the cradle onwards, to believe, that ‘others’ have more rights than they do because the others have more money, that by buying certain products, they will somehow become more ‘worthy’ to get more from these others by continuing to be prolific consumers that perpetuate their own slavery to a dysfunctional system that feeds off of their life force and energy.

These attitudes have been psychologically conditioned in every human, through repetitive advertising, and reinforcement of this in every level of their society including, especially, mainstream media. Pay attention to what is being promoted on your social media as well. None of that, which is advertised, is necessary for a human being to live a happy and abundant life. 

Practice becoming immune to the magnetic, riveting, psychological pull of consumerism for its own sake. Ask yourselves, “Do I really need this to be happy or am I playing into someone else’s game, rather than my own needs.” 

Be discerning. Be wise. You have the power within you – take it back now! You will get through this!

©Marlene Swetlishoff.

The Rainbow Scribe - MARLENE Gif

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Published September 15, 2024 on Copyright. All rights reserved by ©Marlene Swetlishoff, the author, messenger, and originator of this content. No permission is granted for the reproduction, translation, distribution, adaptation, or use of this content, in any form, whether commercial or non-commercial. For more information, please refer to the copyright disclaimer at this link.

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