Goddess Isis – October 2024

Lady Isis by Janine Rose Keall - Marlene Swetlishoff

Beloved Ones,

I come on the wings of love! The tempest of storms continues on every continent on this ascending planet Earth, as well as all inhabited islands. It would be wise to forego any travel plans you may have for the remainder of this year and maybe longer. As the complexity of the changes in realities occurs, and as this ascending planet Earth moves between dimensions, many uncomfortable and strange events will be experienced by all of this Earth’s inhabitants. A lot of these changes are occurring in humankind’s perceptions of their inner realities causing them to broaden and expand past former boundaries they held as truths, unfamiliar events taking place within that expand their potential and revealing possibilities they had never considered as possible before. Those who are ready and willing to expand their thinking, to adopt new ways of living and being in their every day lives and to become the observers of how they might work creatively with these new energies and possibilities will, with daily persistence, grow and prosper in their everyday existence.

You stand on the threshold of a new path that requires an open heart and mind that takes into consideration the sacredness that surrounds you in everything you do, everywhere you go, and in everyone you meet. All deception, all untruth, all ego, hatred and aggression dissolve into nothingness as humanity individually and collectively realizes that the experience of having an open loving heart is the best experience that their life has to offer to them. Your decisions become wiser, your actions more caring, your relationships become more loving. You realize that true love for everything that exists is the standard by which you all choose to live. There is a pervading feeling so sacred, so sublime that originates from the center of your hearts and permeates throughout every cell in your body and radiates outward from there, like a wave of joy across your entire ascending planet Earth. All beings are touched by it, all are renewed in it. Life becomes a blessed experience, a gift beyond price that is treasured like no other gift. Opening one’s heart is the next step on humanity’s evolutionary journey, for humanity as a collective cannot go any further unless they individually and collectively, open their heart. 

The time is at hand to create the highest good for yourselves and for all inhabitants on this ascending planet Earth. You as an individual can plants the seeds (your thoughts and actions) that can take root and grow into a more wise, loving and enlightened way of being, doing and manifesting that will revolutionize all the systems of the current civilization as they have been operating for many thousands of years. It is your duty and responsibility as an emissary of Light, a galactic ambassador and Earth steward to exercise self discipline and continue to take steps that align with the highest prime directive of “do no harm”. You are challenged to “walk your talk” in everything you do. That which challenges you in these times is but a mirror to reflect to you those ways of thinking and being that need to be cleared from within you and to replace these with a new way of thinking and being that will serve you better moving forward on this adventure you call your life. Keep ever in your thoughts that you are creating a new positive Earth reality that will be a daily blessing for your children and all future succeeding generations of Divine Beings of Light that they are now becoming. Be that now! You are the living example to show them the way.

The masses of humanity living on Earth now are awakening to the comprehension that everything in their daily lives is not what it seems. They are growing tired of old rhetoric coming from those they have allowed to make choices for them that never give them what they want to experience – which is to live a happy abundant life, to love and be loved as the good unique Divine beings they truly are. In these moments of time, humanity is being bombarded with distorted perceptions of what is shown to be “acceptable” behaviour through the media, all forms of entertainment such as movies, television programs, software programs that are encouraging actions and conduct that bring only enslavement and destruction of the new Divine human that is now emerging into the new field of consciousness that is available for imprinting as the higher ways of living and personal conduct. Do you, as a citizen of this ascending planet Earth, want to continually experience corruption as the normal way of life, the degradation of all decency and good common sense? Do you, as a citizen of this ascending planet Earth want to continually see crime, killing, depravity, dependence on mind altering drugs and soul enslaving technology, dishonesty and lies continue to be your current reality? I think not! Take the responsibility to create stability, healing, and hope at a time when the world needs it most. Change your thoughts, create the reality you truly want, embrace and manifest the self determination and supreme authority to live the life of your greatest dreams, for yourself and for this ascending world that is available through your own efforts to achieve now!

I AM Isis.

©Marlene Swetlishoff.

The Rainbow Scribe - MARLENE Gif

The above image was commissioned by ©Marlene Swetlishoff through © Janine Rose Keall. All rights reserved.

Published October 15, 2024 on www.therainbowscribe.com. Copyright. All rights reserved by ©Marlene Swetlishoff, the author, messenger, and originator of this content. No permission is granted for the reproduction, translation, distribution, adaptation, or use of this content, in any form, whether commercial or non-commercial. For more information, please refer to the copyright disclaimer at this link.

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