Lady Mira Message – November 2024

The Rainbow Scribe - LADY MIRA IMAGE

I received a delightful surprise from Janine Keall on my birthday seven years ago. I have been prompted to revisit this beautiful Being again which I will endeavor to do in the near future.

“Dearest Marlene,

Happy Birthday! Wishing you a day filled with magic, love, peace and joy. May this continue through each day of this New Year too! As a gift I drew this being. I did ask for one of your guides to come through that perhaps you were not aware of so hoping this is one. Feel she is from the Elemental realm but not from Earth though.

 No name has come so presume she is waiting for you to connect with her. Feel she is a very curious individual. I hope that you can receive a message from her. If not then I feel I may be losing the plot! Lol! Have a wonderful day whatever you are doing to celebrate your Birthday and New Year.

Much Love Janine xxx”

The Rainbow Scribe - rainbow divider1a

For nine days this image haunted me…so familiar — yet nothing was coming through! Today it came in a rush…she is Lady Mira and I did receive a message from her before and it contained really helpful information so I am posting it here again for your reading pleasure and utilization.

Thank you, Janine! Spirit has delightful ways of reconnecting to us when we have to remember! Love it!

The Rainbow Scribe - rainbow divider1a

Beloved Lightworkers,

I come on the wings of love to speak with you about the new energies that are now inundating your ascending planet Earth and therefore, all of you. I come to bring forth some methods that will help you to work through the last of the resistant energies that have been holding you back. These methods are as old as the ancient of days and they come back to you now with deep love and humility, for the timing is right for this knowledge to come through, in order to accelerate the ascension process of all those who are ready and those who will recognize instantly the opportunity presented here.

I am known as Lady Mira from Shamballa and I work with the magical elements of the universe. I am associated with the elements of the four directions (north, south, east, west) and the elements of earth, air, fire, water and ether. My Being moves through these directions and elements in complete harmony and total balance with each. It is in these directions and elements that further personal progress may be made more filled with grace and ease. This method I am giving to you is called “giving my heart wings” and involves the following procedure:

Part 1: Sit or stand with feet flat on the floor and inhale breath to a count of four, hold breath to a count of four, and exhale to a count of four, do this seven times. Then still with feet flat on the floor move your attention and focus to your third eye area between your eyebrows, close your eyes and begin humming while concentrating on your third eye area, sounding like “mmmmmmmmmmmmm”.

Practice this for a full five minutes each day. This will accelerate the opening of your inner vision, your clairvoyant vision, and persistence in this discipline will awaken your dormant abilities to blossom forth in alacrity.

Now, move on to Part 2 of this practice by sitting still and focusing upon your third eye with the image of an eye opening in front of you. Mentally open this eye and then sit and wait for the impressions to come. These impressions will either come very quickly so that you think that nothing has happened or will develop very subtly the opening of your third eye.

You must now discern which of these two ways, is your personal way of using your inner sight. Knowing this will be very helpful to you in realizing how your abilities work for you, and with persistence, will open up many new faculties that you did not know existed within you.

Part 3 involves holding the focus of your third eye area and moving down into the thymus (high heart) area, just below your collarbone. Now focus upon this center and begin to see a brilliant golden white star shining and sparkling within this space and hold to this image as long as you are able. This practice may seem simple but it produces very powerful results and you will then know why this method is titled as it is.

In time, these practices will bring forth many delightful surprises that will open up a whole new world to you, a world that existed simultaneously along with yours but was not visible to your five senses. This world is teeming with life and energies that could be termed magical. So why not let the wonder and magic of these kingdoms become a part of your life now?

I leave you now in joy and with gratitude for the opportunity to speak with you and give the gift of knowledge to help your spiritual path encompass the magical kingdoms that surround your world.

I AM Lady Mira

©Marlene Swetlishoff.

The Rainbow Scribe - MARLENE Gif

The above image was commissioned by ©Marlene Swetlishoff through © Janine Rose Keall. All rights reserved.

Published October 31, 2024 on Copyright. All rights reserved by ©Marlene Swetlishoff, the author, messenger, and originator of this content. No permission is granted for the reproduction, translation, distribution, adaptation, or use of this content, in any form, whether commercial or non-commercial. For more information, please refer to the copyright disclaimer at this link.

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