Hilarion – April 2024
I come on the wings of love! Along with all that is coming to the surface to be looked at, acknowledged, transmuted and released, there is also rising the new growth of the seeds that have been planted through these many years.
I come on the wings of love! Along with all that is coming to the surface to be looked at, acknowledged, transmuted and released, there is also rising the new growth of the seeds that have been planted through these many years.
There is another frequency shift that is taking place at this time. Many of you have been feeling the need to go inward to sit in quietness, meditate, contemplate, and renew yourselves and this is excellent for it means that you are absorbing the higher energies and are utilizing them in the correct manner.
I come on the wings of love! The current energies flooding every nook and cranny of this ascending planet are causing a love revolution within the hearts, minds and souls of all her inhabitants.
I come on the wings of love! From the perspective of the awakened one living your life on this ascending planet Earth, all that was hidden below the surface of your consciousness is now rising up for the awakening of the awareness within others.
I come on the wings of love! And so, another year is almost gone! There has been a lot of good that has been accomplished, both individually and collectively for humanity. Each day has brought more to the surface of consciousness to observe and make sense of.
I come on the wings of love! Trust that all the changes taking place ARE taking place. These changes begin first on the etheric levels and filter down to the material plane of existence. The higher levels are active and the process has been set in motion and will continue until the ascension takes place. Nothing and no one has been forgotten.
I come on the wings of love! You are experiencing the effects of the previous downloads that have been given and are finding yourselves going within as the inner revelations come. There is much inner work being accomplished as you realize that somewhere along the way, you have become the observer of your own life. This is a mighty step forward and will serve you well when thoughts come up to the surface.
I come on the wings of love! There has been a shift, placing the Earth and all her inhabitants on a new trajectory as you now cross the threshold to a higher Light and consciousness, a new way of being. This new way is achieved by following and utilizing the inner guidance of your heart as you connect ever more deeply to your true authentic self, letting go of all perceived limitations and restrictions of the old paradigm way of thinking. There is no going back now, you must deal with it, accept it, embrace it and embody it as your own authentic truth.
I come on the wings of love! On your road to enlightenment, you have made many stops and starts. As you trudged up the mountain to the top, you have found yourself taking many winding paths, spiraling paths, but ultimately you have reached for the top. This is now in sight for many of you; this is now within your reach. All that is required is that you persist, that you continue in your efforts to hold your Light, to stand in your Light. Standing in your Light means that you stay true to your self always. No matter what seeks to distract you in the outside world, within yourself you know who you are. And this is what you must always rely on as the first order of priority. You are important. Your well being is important. Many there are, who need your attention but you need to give attention to yourself first.