Beloved Ones,
I come on the wings of love to speak with you in regards to the ongoing energetic downloads that are available to each of you for the asking, but you must ask for them, Beloveds. The Ascended Masters and Angelic Realms are busily downloading the latest updates to assist you in your continuing transformation into the Light beings that you truly are. These updates help you to safely and easily adjust to the ever increasing frequency levels of celestial Light upon your planet Earth.
Please remember to make your request each morning and night for all the latest light codes, DNA upgrades that are available to you from all God sanctioned sources. We are working with each of you to ensure that you stay deeply grounded while absorbing and assimilating this Divine Light into your crown chakras. So many changes are taking place within each of you, even though it is not readily apparent to you. Many of you are feeling the changes within you as they continue to take place.
In the coming days, focus on your highest vision for yourselves, your families, your communities and the entire planet and continue to stay focused no matter what seemingly transpires around you. Much is changing and recalibrating all around you and within you. The real world that has been invisible to you is now becoming more tangible and real. Watch for the signs around you which are more readily apparent out in nature so it is incumbent upon you to spend more time outdoors attuning to all that surrounds you.
These are exciting times and can be somewhat overwhelming for those who are just awakening. There is a continuation of the deep clearing that is ferreting out all that still needs to be looked at and addressed, all that needs transmutation in the Light and all that needs surrendering to the Divine. Some of you are finding it difficult to let go and let God move you in the direction of your highest good but it will happen if you are sincere in your desire to become the living embodiment of your Eternal Divine Self manifesting upon this Earth.
You are greater than you think, Beloveds. Manifesting as the Divine being that you are should be occurring consistently as you daily perform your spiritual disciplines and keep your focus. You have the assistance of all the realms of Light on a twenty four hour basis. Call upon your Teachers, Guides, Angel teams, Ascension teams, Healing teams, Councils of Light as often as you feel guided to and know that your calls are always answered in loving service.
I AM Kwan Yin.
©Marlene Swetlishoff.

The above image of Kwan Yin was commissioned by ©Marlene Swetlishoff through ©JanineRoseKeall. All rights reserved.
Published March 31, 2024 on Copyright written by ©Marlene Swetlishoff. All rights reserved to the Messenger, Author, and originator of this content. This content is for your personal use only! Permission is not given for redistribution of this content in any way, shape, or form!