
Discover the powerful wisdom of the Goddesses and their enlightening messages through Marlene Swetlishoff, The Rainbow Scribe. Explore divine teachings, spiritual guidance, and profound insights that will uplift your soul and enhance your spiritual journey. Immerse yourself in a world of divine connection and transformation as you delve into the sacred words of the Goddesses channelled by Marlene Swetlishoff.

Lady Miriam – November 2024

I come on the wings of love! Arise and lift your consciousness to ever greater heights in your thoughts, feelings and activities. Ride the waves of joy, hope, high energy and elation and claim these as your new reality in your daily life and existence.

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Lady Miriam – October 2024

I come on the wings of love! Let us speak of the current times you are living through. They are difficult and challenging to navigate through as you must sift through the dross to find the truth of how things really stand in each moment. It is excellent training for becoming masters of clarity and discernment, is it not?

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Lady Miriam – August 2024

I come on the wings of love! Many of you have shifted to a higher level of consciousness and are going through the experience of adjustment to this higher octave.

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Lady Miriam – July 2024

I come on the wings of love! You are in the time of the quickening of events that are unfolding before you. It is a time of much information that may or may not be entirely true.

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Lady Miriam – February 2024

I come on the wings of love! I want to encourage you to daily question everything that comes before you and vies for your attention in these days. There is a great bombardment of information being presented to humanity and it behooves each of you to discern that which rings true in your heart and that which brings fear and doubt.

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Lady Miriam – November 2023

I come on the wings of love! Humanity is at a crossroads in this time of now. Every individual on this ascending planet must make choice – to stay in the world that is experiencing constant chaos and destruction, the world of polarity where balance and order in all things is never achieved – or to choose a new way of creating peace, harmony, unity and divine order through mutual cooperation and mutual respect for the dignity and sovereign rights of all individuals living on this amazing ascending planet.

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Lady Miriam – August 2023

I come on the wings of love! The intensity of the work you are doing as you go within is bringing forth many self realizations and truths about many situations in your life experience that need clarity and resolution. Some of these are difficult to address, for the experiences involve talking about multi-dimensional happenings on the spiritual level that one cannot verbalize to others with the hopes of bringing in more understanding and clarity about them. When one is grappling with seeking a resolution to the complexities of a situation that goes beyond the physical material level as it appears in the now  into the multi-dimensional realms where it tends to entangle the participation of other souls as well, it becomes complicated.

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