Lady Miriam – August 2024

The Rainbow Scribe - D7 Miriam jpg

Beloved Ones, 

I come on the wings of love! Many of you have shifted to a higher level of consciousness and are going through the experience of adjustment to this higher octave. Many of you feel unseen and unheard by the people around you and have been feeling distressed about this. Be at peace, Dear Ones! This too shall pass. It is the perfect opportunity to practice thinking and speaking in a new way and recognizing where this new way of being can be applied in your daily life experiences. As you become aware of old paradigm habitual patterns of mental judgements and criticisms rising up within you in response to loved ones in your environment who have not yet achieved this level, simply own and acknowledge these tendencies within you that have come up for review and release and rejoice in the clearing and purification of all that no longer serves your golden path forward! 

Keep firmly in mind and resolve within yourself that you are now in the process of becoming the highest and best version of yourself and focus your efforts in this direction. Leave everything that does not serve this purpose behind you forever. You have a whole new adventure waiting to be explored and discovered within your own being! Make the most of this time to place your soul evolution on your personal priority list and never look back! Ultimately, this journey is between you and Creator Source and no one else. Let this thought be always at the forefront of your deeds and actions! Walk daily on your path and allow others to walk their path as well, in love, in peace and support. These are tough and challenging times for all good-hearted souls of Light! You have been prepared for these times by having had life experiences that strengthened your character and ability to step into the shoes of the other with discernment, understanding and compassion.

For a great many of you, this lifetime is the completion of a long cycle of acquiring (and remembering) skills, abilities and gifts that you have brought to assist others to awaken and remember their own Divinity and their right to choose the kind of life they want to live as they move forward into greater consciousness and awareness. This requires taking action through your human body as required when the time is right to do something, to get involved, to act in order to get a particular result. You will inherently know when this time has come. There are natural laws that must be observed whilst you are in human form on this ascending planet. An action is a thing that is done, and not merely thought or spoken about, to initiate activity – when you do something to achieve something or deal with a problem, you take action. 

As you take action, you are relying on yourself as the highest authority and power in your life. Stay confident in your personal ability to always make the right  choice for you in every circumstance. You are a Divine being creating a new and better reality in every moment of your life and you do this by honoring yourself first. Do not let others sway you by trying to lead you in another direction that is more comfortable for them. This creates a division within yourself and this division leads to divisions between people, groups of people and in the bigger picture, even other nations as well. What is needed is mental clarity, the quality of being coherent and easily understood in which your mind is fully active and engaged. When you have clarity of thought, it means that you have a clear and focused understanding of your emotions, experiences, and the world around you. This clarity allows you to make sense of your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors, which in turn contributes to your emotional well-being.

In these times, it is wise to strive for the common good, achieve a satisfactory state of life when deciding life paths. Strive for resolving difficult problems at work, and in doing the right thing in times of adversity. Strive for developing a tolerance for the uncertainties of life. By being aware of how things play out over time, it confers a sense of balance. Become more attuned to the Earth and you will always be connected to your innate common sense and practicality. This is what is most needed now. Connect to the power of universal love within your own being which brings a sense of calmness and peaceful intent. We honor, love and support you always, in all ways. You are never alone!

 I AM Miriam.

Lady Miriam is the Beloved Divine Feminine counterpart (Twin Flame) to Ascended Master El Morya.

©Marlene Swetlishoff.

The Rainbow Scribe - MARLENE Gif

Permission given to post the above image of Ascended Master Miriam by the artist © Bryan deFlores. All rights reserved. This image is available as a digital download by clicking here. Image #D7

Permission given to post the above image by the artist © Bryan deFlores. All rights reserved.

Published July 31, 2024 on Copyright. All rights reserved by ©Marlene Swetlishoff, the author, messenger, and originator of this content. No permission is granted for the reproduction, translation, distribution, adaptation, or use of this content, in any form, whether commercial or non-commercial. For more information, please refer to the copyright disclaimer at this link.

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