Lady Miriam – November 2023

The Rainbow Scribe - D7 Miriam jpg

Beloved Ones, 

I come on the wings of love! Humanity is at a crossroads in this time of now. Every individual on this ascending planet must make choice – to stay in the world that is experiencing constant chaos and destruction, the world of polarity where balance and order in all things is never achieved – or to choose a new way of creating peace, harmony, unity and divine order through mutual cooperation and mutual respect for the dignity and sovereign rights of all individuals living on this amazing ascending planet. There is a great need to come to clarity within each person as to the kind of world they want to seed for future generations of inhabitants upon their world and to look for solutions that will help to create this new reality. 

It requires diligent and sincere effort to change within themselves the previous attitudes of judgement, criticism, blame, and finger pointing that is a way of being that has not ever worked. Being in constant polarity is a never-ending downward spiral that keeps humanity stuck in stagnant energy that does not allow for a fresh new way of creating resolution to ages old firmly entrenched problems. This requires a new vision to seek new ways of dealing with that which needs to evolve into a harmonious system of relating amongst humanity that rises above competition and ego upmanship to include a humble desire for actualizing, seeing, and experiencing victory that is for the highest good for all as its final outcome.  

In the days to come before you, it is vital for each individual to constantly align and remind themselves of the higher vision for living life as an illumined one, one who serves the grander purpose of the Divine Plan being established through many individuals in the times of now. Each of you is being guided to your optimum placement on this ascending planet Earth that will put you on the leading edge of what comes next. Trust in your inner guidance of your Soul Presence and the validating confirmations that come from your spirit guides. Tune into all your senses, both physically and metaphysically as well. Hone your own Divine powers – there is much knowledge within that is soon to be rising to the surface – try to feel, sense and open to this wave as it comes from within you. 

There are many guides around you at all times – trust in our Presence and that we stand ready to help guide you to your next step. Look always within self for the answers in your quest for truth in all that occurs at this time, and remember, that you have been preparing for these times for many lifetimes. You are our trusted one’s and we see into your hearts, minds and spirits very clearly and know this to be truth. Your metaphysical training has been rigorous and intensive and you have passed all the tests with flying colors. We work with and rely on your active participation as events move forward. Let us join together as one powerful force for good as we raise the frequency level of this beautiful, amazing and magical planet Earth!

 I AM Miriam.

©Marlene Swetlishoff.

Permission given to post the above image of Ascended Master Miriam by the artist © Bryan deFlores. All rights reserved. This image is available as a digital download by clicking here. Image #D7

Published October 31, 2023 on Copyright written by © Marlene Swetlishoff. All rights reserved to the Messenger, Author, and originator of this content. This content is for your personal use only! Permission is not given for redistribution of this content in any way, shape, or form!

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