Lady Miriam – February 2024

The Rainbow Scribe - D7 Miriam jpg

Beloved Ones, 

I come on the wings of love! I want to encourage you to daily question everything that comes before you and vies for your attention in these days. There is a great bombardment of information being presented to humanity and it behooves each of you to discern that which rings true in your heart and that which brings fear and doubt. If it does not make you feel uplifted, inspired and supported, then let it go and ‘cancel and clear it’ from your consciousness. There are many deceivers who are presenting themselves as though they have the answers to all your concerns. If one of these deceivers tries to convince you that their way is the true way, then do some investigating into background information in regards to who they really are and how others react to them. 

Asserting your own authority and autonomy must become a daily practice in every instance of your life. You alone are the one to make choices on behalf of yourself and your loved ones. No one else knows your true circumstances but you. Always stay true to yourself!  When things go wrong as they sometimes do, know that you hold the answers within you. Do some reflective thinking and your own Divine essence will show you the way. Sometimes your answer comes quickly and directly – “NO!” Listen to the small voice of your guiding Light as you make your considerations. Change the habit of always looking outside of yourselves for the answers instead of trusting what your own intuitions, instincts and feelings are telling you.

This capacity for trusting yourself is the foundation of basic wisdom. Wisdom grows the more you listen to your feelings, intuitions and sensations with an openheartedness. To be independent and have the capacity to be one’s own person, to live one’s life according to reasons and motives that are taken as one’s own and not because of manipulative or distorted external forces. To be autonomous is to govern yourself, to be directed by considerations, desires, conditions, and characteristics that are not imposed externally upon you, but are part of what can be considered one’s authentic self. It is the ability to reflectively consider options and choose sensibly from among them giving special weight to your own present and past decisions.

Self-determination is the innate desire to flourish that is embedded within yourself. Self-determination is about feeling equipped to make your own choices so that you feel a sense of control over your own lives. Your well-being is deeply connected to your sense of self-determination. An individual can be intrinsically motivated by the pleasure of learning, their own interests, the desire to make an impact on the world, enjoyment, and basic life satisfaction – believing you can control your own destiny. Self-determination involves many attitudes and abilities including: self-awareness, assertiveness, creativity, and problem solving and self-advocacy skills. To take charge of your own life, you must be able to set goals, evaluate options, and make choices. Always choose yourself as your first priority and then work to achieve your goals.

 I AM Miriam.

©Marlene Swetlishoff.

The Rainbow Scribe - MARLENE Gif

Permission given to post the above image of Ascended Master Miriam by the artist © Bryan deFlores. All rights reserved. This image is available as a digital download by clicking here. Image #D7

Published February 14, 2024 on Copyright written by © Marlene Swetlishoff. All rights reserved to the Messenger, Author, and originator of this content. This content is for your personal use only! Permission is not given for redistribution of this content in any way, shape, or form!

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