Beloved Ones,
I come on the wings of love! Arise and lift your consciousness to ever greater heights in your thoughts, feelings and activities. Ride the waves of joy, hope, high energy and elation and claim these as your new reality in your daily life and existence. A great milestone has been successfully achieved! Celebrate and give thanks in the present moment for the good that is your true birthright. Do this every day in order to fully manifest this reality each day. Revisit your feelings of joy, hope, and upliftment in these moments in order to magnetize more of this into your daily experience. Your continued persistence in this endeavor is key to make it so!
Humanity has been given a hand-up on the evolutionary ladder and it behooves each individual to recognize this event as the great opportunity it presents. As each of you do this each day you are uniting your energy and intention with others of like-mind and this will manifest as the New Earth reality for all good hearted souls of Light and lift your beautiful ascending planet Earth into the higher dimensions. This is a chance for you as an individual to contribute to the greatest transformation of an entire planet and its inhabitants that has ever occurred in the cosmos and you as soul can be proud of the legacy you have brought to this planet Earth and other planets in the entirety of creation as well.
Seize this moment and make it count! This is not the time to rest on your laurels, thinking that someone else has got you covered! YOU are the one you have been waiting for! YOU must continue to do your part to keep the positive momentum going. Take back your power and self-autonomy and keep on keeping on! This is not the end result, but only the beginning of the massive efforts needed to bring Divine Order, peace, harmony, unity and joy as the new way of being and living on your beloved planet Earth! We of the ascended realms stand with you!
There is much that needs to be changed from the old paradigm systems. You must all stand together in your country and intend the positive changes to become the new reality. Do what you can in any positive way you can! This is how you co-create with the Divine. You see that the tide has turned and a great shift for the better has happened but do not rest until you and your loved ones are actually experiencing what you have all worked so hard for, for many decades and many former lifetimes as well. The end result is in sight, yes, but there are still many steps needed to put it all into place.Through this event on November 5th, 2024, you now have a hopeful foundation from which to step up to create what you want. Give support to all the people who are now on board in a spirit of harmony and peaceful intentions. The sun is shining brightly and hope springs eternal! Shine, shine, shine your Light!
I AM Miriam.
Lady Miriam is the Beloved Divine Feminine counterpart (Twin Flame) to Ascended Master El Morya.
©Marlene Swetlishoff.

Permission given to post the above image of Ascended Master Miriam by the artist © Bryan deFlores. All rights reserved. This image is available as a digital download by clicking here. Image #D7
Permission given to post the above image by the artist © Bryan deFlores. All rights reserved.
Published November 6, 2024 on Copyright. All rights reserved by ©Marlene Swetlishoff, the author, messenger, and originator of this content. No permission is granted for the reproduction, translation, distribution, adaptation, or use of this content, in any form, whether commercial or non-commercial. For more information, please refer to the copyright disclaimer at this link.