Master Jesus – April 2024

Master Jesus by Marlene Swetlishoff

Beloved Ones, 

I come on the wings of love to speak with you about the great changes that are occurring and will be occurring in the months ahead. The changes are within the consciousness of humanity, the changes will be occurring within the hearts of humanity, for the energies that are being directed to the Earth at this time affect the heart chakra’s of all who receive this energy. There will be an opening of the heart and there will be a clearing of the hearts of all humanity. As this happens, there will be more clarity in each individual as they look about them, as they see more clearly the world around them.

There will be more clarity in their thinking processes and they will begin to perceive that what they were told and assumed was real is really not real, and they will begin to voice their intentions for the truth, the truth of what really is in the world that they live in. This will be occurring in every part of the world, people will question their leaders, people will demand answers in a peaceful way, but they will not rest, they will insist on the highest integrity in those individuals that they choose as leaders of their countries.

The future leaders of each country must come from a place of high integrity, for the people will no longer tolerate those who are in it strictly for their own agendas. People will no longer tolerate those who give lip service but meanwhile, do not serve the highest good of all. There will be a people revolution, a quiet revolution where people start making personal choices to live in their highest truths.

You, the Lightworkers, have already made your choices and you have each worked diligently on yourselves, cleansing, clearing and purifying all aspects of your being. You started out as diamonds in the rough and you are now polished gems, sparkling, brilliantly faceted, wonderfully Lighted Beings. Each of you has walked the thorny paths, for that is what you chose to do in this lifetime in order to gather experience and strength within yourselves to prepare you for these times.

Now those times are upon you and those who are ready will begin to awaken, you will remember, more and more, who and what you are, why you came here, what your mission at this time is. Those of you who have known your mission will be offered new assignments. It is your choice whether you will accept or not, for you have already served the highest good and if you choose to just enjoy the rest of your lives upon this Earth, you may do so. All is a personal choice.

As we look upon you from our vantage point, each of you is a brilliantly faceted gemstone – beautiful to behold! Many of you are multi-colored, many of you radiate strongly a single light, and each of you brings richness to the world, in its color, diversity and interest. If you were all the same, life would be dull and uninteresting! And so, we say to you, let each facet of the jewel that you are shine brilliantly.

Sparkle and radiate the Light that you are around you. Walk in the Light and the magic of your being – your higher Being of Light, for it is through your example, the living example of the Christ Light upon the Earth that you will effect even greater change than you have to this point. It is by your shining example in the days ahead that more people will turn to the Light, more people will remember the Light, they will remember that they chose to be here at this time to assist the Earth and all her inhabitants to ascend to the more illumined dimensions of living.

There are many of you who are on the verge of remembering the purpose of your presence here on Earth at this time, and so I say to you, Beloved Lightworkers, stand in your Light, hold your Light, shine forth the brilliance of your Light, your high integrity and the purity of your hearts. Many of you have had to withdraw whenever you could from those around you in order to protect your energy fields from all the negativity that has been expressed around you.

This is natural that you would do this, it is necessary for your renewal and for staying grounded in your Light and so we encourage you to do this whenever you can. It is not always possible in the world that you live in at this time to do that, but if you can withdraw from the world at times as a means of self renewal and self nurturance, that is a good thing. This is highly beneficial for each of you.

We see each of you feeling renewed enthusiasm, raising your frequency levels and accelerating them to a higher and higher vibration and this is highly recommended at this time, this is what is in the plan that you agreed to take part in. Connect to your inner selves and stay calm as the storm gathers around you, as those who awaken begin to express that which has been long suppressed within themselves.

This will happen in waves, it will not happen all at once, it will happen in waves, and so, if you become cognizant of when these waves are occurring, you can then assist by directing loving, healing energies at those times to humanity and this will assist them in calming and grounding themselves. This will assist them in helping to connect within in contemplation, in self renewal, in the releasing of fears, illusions and the glamour that has influenced them for their entire lifetimes.

Your presence on the Earth is so very, very important at this time. We have called you our ‘front line’ before, Beloved Ones, for that is what you are! It is your standing in your Light and practicing your methods of Lightworking each day that has created this opportunity for humanity as a whole, and the Light is growing and the Light is moving across this world. It is happening in waves, for that is how Light travels, in waves and rays. Know that you are all being assisted at this time, that you have but to just think of us and we are with you.

If you decree and invoke our presence, we are instantly by your side, amplifying your frequency levels, doubling your frequency every time you practice your methods of raising them. This is of greatest importance and you who are our ‘front lines’ are supported in ways that you cannot even conceive at this time. It will, one day, become clear to you. Stand strong in your Light, Beloved Ones, there is much need of your loving, stabilizing presence in the days ahead. Know that each of you is always loved beyond measure by your Family of Light.

I AM Jesus.

©Marlene Swetlishoff.

The Rainbow Scribe - MARLENE Gif

The above image of Master Jesus was commissioned by ©Marlene Swetlishoff through © JanineRoseKeall. All rights reserved.
Published  April 15, 2024 on Copyright written by ©Marlene Swetlishoff. All rights reserved to the Messenger, Author, and originator of this content. This content is for your personal use only! Permission is not given for redistribution of this content in any way, shape, or form!

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