Serapis Bey – October 2023

Ascended Master Serapis Bey

Beloved Ones,

I come on the wings of love to speak to you in regards to the ascension energies that are becoming more intensified within you at this time. These energies have been creating much turmoil within that has sometimes been reflected in the outer circumstances of your world. Know that this is the deep cleansing that is required within you, in order that you be prepared to fully embody your Eternal Divine Essence and to fully integrate it within your new human/lightbody template operating system. This was and is an ongoing process for you.

We ask that you not hold yourselves or others in judgment during this process, as this time is such that it requires everyone to release that which is not compatible with the higher energy flooding this planet in order to unify into One consciousness which desires the highest good for all. Although it may not be apparent to you at this time, in hindsight you will understand the purpose of all that you are now experiencing and it will become clear to you.

Many such transmutations and transformations will continue to take place within each human being upon this ascending Earth in the coming days. You are the harbingers of this process and so you have been experiencing this process before the rest of the world. All that is occurring now has a higher purpose and that higher purpose is being served. You are all very much in resonance and on track in this process.

On the ascension path, it is required for each Initiate to undergo many trials and tests along the way in order to assist you for manifesting greater integrity in your service to the Light -and the task which you have chosen to fulfill in these moments of bringing forth the higher vision for the Divine Plan to manifest for the Earth and all her inhabitants. You are fulfilling this plan in your present moment and the highest good of all is being served. Remember this when you are in the midst of the changes that come forth from within you and from those around you.

We understand that it can be somewhat confusing to you. Some of your thoughts, words and actions seemingly come from another being rather than your normal self and indeed, it is so, for it is an aspect, fragment or soul extension of your unified Self that is being addressed and worked upon, to heal and release any blockages and then unify within as your totally integrated Self. This is most important and this process is proceeding now.

We of the higher realms are ever at your side, working to facilitate these processes with as much grace, ease and understanding that is possible for you to assimilate and comprehend. All the incomplete threads of your lives are coming together now. Know this and rejoice, for that means you are ever so much closer to the desired end result of balanced wholeness of being. You are loved beyond measure and never walk alone.

I AM Serapis Bey

 ©Marlene Swetlishoff.

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The above image of Serapis Bey was commissioned by ©Marlene Swetlishoff through © Janine Rose Keall. All rights reserved.

Published October 12, 2023 on Copyright written by ©Marlene Swetlishoff. All rights reserved to the Messenger, Author, and originator of this content. This content is for your personal use only!

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