Beloved Ones,
I come on the wings of love! The events of the last six months have been bringing to the surface hidden truths that needed to see the light of day in order to be pondered upon and exposed to the mainstream population. Many of these ones are still in the midst of ‘processing’ this information. The human psyche can only handle information such as this in smaller doses. If there is too much to ‘process’, the learning of this information will be shut down within each person until they are ready to deal with more. Trust that what you have been given is that information that you needed to know.
As this ‘information overload’ continues in the days ahead, it is advisable to take many ‘mini vacation’ breaks. Just getting away from one’s usual daily routine will create more coherence in one’s auric field. There is a resetting that happens that puts one into greater harmony and peace within. This in turn, renews one’s connection to the flow of guidance that comes when one is in tune with nature and the spiritual realms. If one is unable to travel, taking time away from one’s computer and technology will be beneficial. Soaking in a tub of water that has epsom salt added to it at least once each week cleanses one’s auric field and the magnesium content in the epsom salt is very calming to the nervous system.
Experiencing relaxation and calmness uplifts one’s spirit to more optimistic levels of thought and function. Being out in nature also promotes relaxation and upliftment of one’s thoughts and attitudes. This is self induced therapy that is freely available even in the midst of living in a city environment – along with exercising of one’s physical body if one is able to withstand such activity. Practicing stillness of mind through focus and intent to connect to the Divine that lives within one’s inner recesses is also greatly beneficial. There are so many activities that are available just for the doing of them. We recommend that you finds those that uplift and inspire and do them often.
In the external world, it seems that the world has fallen into madness and chaos. Within each soul, it is also a time of great transformation and transition, from one way of being to another. Each individual is being called upon to reflect and re-evaluate their path and the way that they should go. Be assured that you are not alone in this process, that your Family of Light is at your side helping you to see clearly that you really are still on your true path and destiny. Speaking orally to us, your Guides, helps us to know what assistance is required in the particular moment that comes up for review, even those thoughts that you feel are not in alignment with your destiny. Many times, just the voicing of such thoughts turns out to be just what was required to let it go forever! We have strong shoulders, so to speak, and can remained detached from any emotional undercurrents still present.
Trust in your own higher guidance – it is and always has been, the true direction. Know that you as an individual are unique. In all of creation, there is only one YOU! And as such, it is your own inner counsel that steers you in the right direction. With all the many distractions of these current times, one needs to hold that thought first and foremost. You hold and carry a great Light inside you…let that Light shine – recommit to being love in all situations that come before you. Love yourself as God loves you and honor all of life! Your life is destined to be a continual stream of miracles and blessings. It is important that you stay centered in your loving heart at all times. Choose always to see the world through loving eyes and an open loving heart.
I AM St. Germain.
©Marlene Swetlishoff.

The above image was commissioned by ©Marlene Swetlishoff through © Janine Rose Keall. All rights reserved.
Published July 31, 2024 on Copyright. All rights reserved by ©Marlene Swetlishoff, the author, messenger, and originator of this content. No permission is granted for the reproduction, translation, distribution, adaptation, or use of this content, in any form, whether commercial or non-commercial. For more information, please refer to the copyright disclaimer at this link.