The Angels of Truth – January 2024


Beloved Ones, 

We come on the wings of love to bring greetings to all who will read, see or hear this message. We are angels of truth. We work with many other angelic beings to help humanity in their quest for truth and wholeness of being. It is the truth of their own being first and foremost, for that is what the spiritual journey upon a material/physical planet is all about. It is the journey back to the full realization of one’s Divine self. This journey can be one that is filled with difficulty, for in truth, humanity has for millennia been very reluctant to fully face themselves in all their aspects. They have been reluctant to accept truths about themselves that they harbor deep within them.

This is where we, the angels of truth, can be of great assistance, as we can connect to you when asked and help you to face those difficult points of truth within yourselves, within your consciousness that you are ready to acknowledge, accept and transmute into a higher version and vision of self. It is required that your physical body be transmuted and transformed into a more ethereal and light-filled vehicle.

This process is now in full manifestation upon your ascending planet. You are inundated with truths that are difficult to accept. You are inundated with old paradigm realities that are seeking to distract you from the journey that you have chosen to take, the journey of Light, the journey back to Source, to your Divine essence, the truth of your being. Simultaneously there are also the higher energies that are filling your entire energetic field. These energies are creating change and initiating transformations bringing regeneration – a regenesis of your entire bodily vehicle.

These times, although difficult, can be made easier if each person would listen and hear the inner guidance from their heart. Ask the angels of truth to help you to see clearly all that you need to see in order to move forward. What you need to release and let go of, all that no longer serves the illuminated path of love and service that you walk upon. We work with each of you who call upon us, we help each individual to see clearly that which they have had confusion with. We help each individual to see that sometimes it is not their own individual energies that they are processing but that these energies that they are feeling are those of the overall collective consciousness of humanity.

In this way, you are assisting your spiritual brothers and sisters to move forward on their path, to see their own truths clearly. It is in knowing self as one faces certain truths that illumination occurs. To walk the path that is inspired and brilliant, one has to allow and let the Divine be in their hearts. One has to allow the Divine to be in their daily labors, to be in every facet of their life, in holy surrender to the greater truth of one’s Divine essence. As this surrender to the Divine occurs, wondrous and beautiful synchronicities appear for them in their life and these bring blessings of further wonderful revelations and truths to the surface of their consciousness.

Sometimes during this process, old thoughts and old energies arise. Recognize that this is old energy and replace those old thoughts with new and more empowering thoughts. Focus upon that new thought and allow the old energy to leave your system and disperse and dissolve. We, the angels of truth see that you are brave and fearless individuals, souls who are termed ‘old souls’. You have been through much but you have a great faith and belief in the Divine and it lives within your sacred heart. As you connect and deal with your truth, it is easing your spiritual journey of evolution in a wondrous way.

We assist you to accept the truths of your greater potential which is that you are greater than you have ever imagined. This is the task and the challenge at this time, to truly accept your Divine nature, that you are so much more than you have ever believed before. Be good to yourselves, be kind and loving, be the role model of the Christed one. We honor your requests and will never fail to answer your calls. 

In love and Light, on behalf of all the angels of truth, we bless you! Be at peace.

 ©Marlene Swetlishoff.

The Rainbow Scribe - MARLENE Gif

Published January 15, 2024 on Copyright written by ©Marlene Swetlishoff. All rights reserved to the Messenger, Author, and originator of this content. This content is for your personal use only! Permission is not given for redistribution of this content in any way, shape, or form!

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